A non-partisan get-out-the-vote campaign conducted across Northern Kentucky’s most populated counties. Goal was to increase overall voter turnout regardless of political party, and without seemingly endorsing one party more than the other. NKY receives less state tax dollar investment from the state compared to other KY metropolitan areas because of poor relative overall voter turnout as a region.

Logo strategy came from understanding of the disposition of Northern Kentuckians who feel unaccepted by Cincinnati across the river, but simultaneously are rejected and dismissed by the rest of Kentucky as a suburb of Cincy. Nobody is going to care about NKY unless we fight to be heard by voting.

I created a logo that used approximately equal amounts red and blue, and exploited a comic-book style to decrease perceived seriousness and pressure on surrounding process for potential voters. I determined that this campaign needed a punk-rock us-against-the-world feel, but one that was also made voting seem fun and exciting even if in a novel way. Who cares how you vote, just VOTE for NKY!