Paradise on the Point 2017

A free two-day concert event held at Cincinnati’s Sawyer Point stage. Yarn was strung above the entire fan-shaped concert field measuring approximately 300′ x 250′ with an orange stripe down the center and green on each side. Attachment points were either side of the top of the fixed stage and six very tall flag/light poles around the perimeter of the back of the field. Exploration of containment of a large space.

yarn suspended over a field at Sawyer's Point in Cincinnati, Ohio

yarn suspended over a field at Sawyer's Point in Cincinnati, Ohio - at night while a crowd dances below

yarn suspended over a field at Sawyer's Point in Cincinnati, Ohio - at night while a crowd dances below

During early planning I created two scale models to help plan for weaving methods and any other obstacles I might run into. One was the size of a tabletop, the other was about 12′ square.